Karl Marx Bicentennial International Seminar Organization Committee



Karl Marx Bicentennial International Seminar Organization Committee


Dear Comrades

First of all I, on behalf of the Nepal Communist Party (Masal), would like to welcome all the guests and fraternal delegates who have come here from various parts of Nepal and different countries of the world to participate in this seminar.We also would like to thank to the Karl Marx Bicentennial International Seminar Organization Committee whohas organized thisseminar in honor of Karl Marx.

Now Marx is not before us. He died long time before. Butwe think that he is living today and he is leading the world Communist movement toward a goal he had set- the goal of Communism.He would be living till the goal is achieved or his mission is fulfilled. He would be ‘dead’ in real sense after his mission is complete. He would continually lead the communist movement to change the world till the communist system abolishing all kinds of exploitation classes and the communist system established in the world.

Generally it is supposed thatthe world communist movement has come to a halt and the world socialist movement has no future. That is true, but only outwardly part in fact the future of the communist movement is bright. This is not only our ‘day dream’. Our observation is based upon reality and material basis.

The credit of developing of socialism to scientific level goes to Marx.  But socialism basically is product of the capitalist system itself so the socialism will not disappear from as long as the capital system exists and finally it is replaced by socialist system.

Today the socialist system has become very weak and is indefensiveposition. But what we should not neglect the fact is that capitalism in its self will pave the way for the final victory of the world socialist movement. The more and more developing social character of the productive forces of the capitalism will finally led the society to socialism. There is no alternate for that.

The capital system gives rise to a fundamental condition between the social character of productive forces and private nature of capitalists upon the means of production. Because of that capitalism has continually to go through the interrupted process of economic crisis. In fact of that even today the capitalist system has no way to come out from this contradiction or economics crisis except the socialism.

Generally it seems that capitalism seems very powerful. But in fact it is becoming more and weaker because of the various types of contradictions with in imperialism and intensifying economic crisis with in it.  Such a situation has prepared objective situation for revolution but what is lacking is the subjective forces do not coop with the objective revolutionary situation. Because of that world revolution is lagging behind. In such a background it becomes responsibility of the all communists and revolutionaries of the world to strengthen the subjective forces of the revolution.

Lenin has said without a revolutionary principal revolution cannot go ahead. Communist movement in the world has developed so much because we have Marxist Leninistphilosophy to guide us. But in the course of its development, it had to face many revisionist trends.The founder of Marxism and Leninism had to fight against various type of revisionism throughout their lives. We have to draw lesson from this and should continue our ideological struggle against all kinds of revisionism to have a clearcut ideological outlook basing upon such ideological approach we shall be able to strengthen subjective forces and finally make the world socialist revolution a success.

At present ideologically the world communist movement is divided in various ways and that is a serious problems.That has made us very weak. In spite of it we should do our best to find out the ways to make unity among Marxist-Leninist and revolutionary in world level to the possible degree.We can conclude that the seminar is taking place now in Nepal can be taken as a means for that. In the same time the issue of worldwide anti-imperialist movement also can be a basis for the unity of the all communist and revolutionary forces of the world. This aspect also should be discussed here and the decision should be taken to make worldwide unity in the course of anti-imperialist movement.

In the last we again greet all the participants and fraternal delegates present here.

Thank You

With Revolutionary Greetings.

Mohan Bikram Singh

General Secretory

NCP (Masal)


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